Tag Archives: Patrick Henry College

As the year ends

Patrick Henry College Residential Village
Image via Wikipedia

2010 was a lot of things for me. I moved three times. I was hospitalized once. I started two new jobs. Throughout the year, I did have my boyfriend to help me out and keep me centered, which I am extremely grateful for.

2010 is also the year that I can remember for the year in which I lost my faith.

Which is why it’s funny that, at the end of the year, I find myself finishing up a book about Patrick Henry College and the life that I have, ultimately, left behind. God’s Harvard, a book by journalist Hanna Rosin, is an excellent account of the lives and trials that PHC went through during 2005-2007. In the book we hear about the perfect students and couple as well as the “outcasts,” including my favorite “character” in this book, Farahn Morgan. This young woman, though conservative by most standards, stood out on campus as being more liberal, more laidback, and also more sharp-witted. My second favorite passage from the book comes from the epilogue and stars her:

She handled a lot of calls from Louisiana constituents asking about federal aid, and she wanted to tell them, “Go get a job. Since when do Republicans just throw money at things?” (p. 275)

Of course, my favorite passage is the very end of the book (don’t read further if you don’t want to be ~spoiled~) and painted a very familiar scene to me, a scene that I never want to be privy to again (also, I can’t help but wonder what the exact moment was where my eyes changed; one day, I would have looked at this and cried over how wonderful it was that this girl was “saved.” Now all I see is child abuse) :

Christy told them to close their eyes and bow their heads. “If you’ve never asked Jesus to take away the sin in your heart, I want you to tell me that …” …

Five kids raised their hands … she sent four away and kept one …

Christy led her to a private room and asked her to repeat a prayer.

Dear God
I have sinned
and my heart is dark.
Thank you for sending Jesus
to take away the darkness.
Thank you for saving me from the punishment of sin.

The girl looked up at Christy, the spell broken.

“Now you’re God’s child!… Welcome to the family!”

The girl went back to the main room and blinked. … Her expression stayed blank, and she seemed a little off balance. At one point she looked down at her pink T-shirt, which read GIRLS RULE! in bubbly script.

She quickly zipped up her white sweatshirt and left the room, looking down at her sneakers.

The point is: I’m ready for 2011.