Tag Archives: Lord

Yes, We Did

I just wanted to share this anecdote and picture with you guys.

I was at Borders with my good friend, when we spotted a pad that had been written upon. Somebody had (quite artistically) drawn “I ♥ Sex” all over the page. In the corner of the page, we also saw that somebody had written “Jesus Christ is Lord! =)”

My friend knew just what to do.

“Jesus ♥ Sex, 2!”

And this is why I love my friend.

Xmas: “Christ” Was Never Being “Taken Out”

Chi Rho U+2627
Image via Wikipedia

You learn something new every day!

I stumbled across this post on a friend’s Facebook page the other day:

‎”Someone has written that people use Xmas and it means Xhaustion, Xcuses, Xchanges, Xcesses, Xtravagances, Xasperations, Xhibitions and worldly Xcitement. How much better to make the Lord the very center of our Christmas observance. Keep Christ in Christmas!”

Very cute.

In a comment, somebody left a link to a page explaining that the “X” in “Xmas” actually is representative of the symbol for the abbreviation for “Christ.” I looked to Wikipedia (naturally) to back this information up.

In Greek, the letter Χ (chi), is the first letter of Christ, and it, or the similar Roman letter X, has been used as an abbreviation for Christ since the mid-16th century.[16] Hence, Xmas is sometimes used as an abbreviation for Christmas. -Wikipedia article “Christmas

I know I’m a bad person, but considering all of the crap that I hear every year about “don’t take the ‘Christ’ out of ‘Christmas’,” I lol’d.

As my boyfriend said, “Merry Jesus Christ Savior Day of Joy and Good Will of Amazing Joy, Joy, Good.”